



What You Need

• Print the “Challenge Cards” Activity Page and cut apart; one set for each station • Sponges cut into thirds like wood blocks; 12-20 for each station • Timer; one for each station • Measuring tape; one for each station

What You Do:

• Set up stations where kids can individually build sponge towers, or set up team stations where kids can work together to accomplish the Sponge Tower Challenge. Stations should include one set of sponge blocks, one set of “Challenge Cards,” a timer, and a measuring tape. • Instruct the kids to read the cards and complete the challenges on their own. Allow them to work without adult help. • Please note that there is no right or wrong way to do this.

What You Say:

“You used your mind, hands, and a bunch of sponges to accomplish several challenges. God has given each of us incredible minds, and today you got the opportunity to use them in a really fun way!”



What You Need:

Box lids, shoeboxes, or plates; straws; yarn; pipe cleaners; construction paper; glue; tape; marbles; stopwatch

What You Do:

We • Set up stations so kids can individually build marble mazes, or set up team stations where kids can work in groups to build a maze. • Stations should include: • A base to build on such as: plate, box, box lid, etc. • Plenty of fun items to use to create walls of the maze such as: straws, yarn, construction paper, pipe cleaners, etc. • Scissors • Tape or glue sticks • Several marbles • Instruct kids to draw out their maze on the base before taping or gluing anything down. There should be a “START” and “END” to the maze. • Tell them to add dead ends and even “traps” to make the maze more difficult. • Once mazes are complete, challenge kids to use marbles to run their maze by tilting it back and forth. • Increase the challenge and tell kids to use two marbles and/or add a time limit. • Allow kids to trade mazes with other teams to see if they can finish each other’s mazes. What You Say: “God’s Word is what guides us through the maze of life, kind of like these epic mazes we just made. Sometimes there seem to be dead ends or traps, but there’s always a way through. “When things get hard, you can always go to God’s Word to feel closer to Him and know He will help you in every situation. You can know God through His Word.”



What You Need: